Difficulty in mouth opening? You could be suffering from Oral submucous fibrosis. Get treatment by the best team of doctors in Hyderabad

If you are having difficulty opening your mouth, are feeling a burning session in your mouth, or are feeling rigid bands in your mouth, then you might be suffering from Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSF or OSMF).

OSMF is a precancerous disorder and transforms into a malignant tumor in 1.5–15% of all cases.

Here’s all you need to know of Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF/OSMF).

What are the symptoms of OSMF?

  • Burning sensation in the mouth
  • Reduced mouth opening
  • Rigid fibrous bands felt on the insides of the cheek

What causes oral submucous fibrosis?

It is caused by chewing of gutka, betel nut (chhaliya), supari, spicy food, smoke, and alcohol. Symptoms include submucous fibrosis, ulceration, xerostomia, a burning sensation, and restricted mouth opening. Areca nut (betel nut) chewing is one of the most common causes of OMSF. Betel nut contains tannins (11%–12%) and alkaloids such as arecoline, arecaidine, guvacine, and guvacoline (0.15%–0.67%). Out of all, arecoline is the main agent which stimulates fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis.

Autoimmune etiological basis of disease with demonstration of various autoantibodies with a strong association with specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antigens.

Nutritional deficiency like Vit B complex, Iron deficiency is also an etiological factor in the progression of the disease.

Classification of oral submucous fibrosis: By Passi D et al 2017

Use the following classification system to rate the size of your open mouth, this can easily help you understand the stage of OSMF you may be experiencing. The earlier you can spot it, the earlier and quicker it can be treated by a qualified specialist.

types of oral submucous fibrosis
classification of oral submucous fibrosis

Treatment of OSMF

The treatment of OSMF depends on the degree of disease progression and clinical involvement. At early stages, stopping habit and nutritional supplements are done. At moderate stages, conservative treatment such as intralesional injections along with medical treatment is provided. At advanced stages, surgical interventions (nasolabial flap surgery) are needed. Low level laser therapy is the best treatment protocol in most of our cases.

treatment results for oral submucous fibrosis in hyderabad
OSMF treatment results

How to get Oral Submucous Fibrosis treatment in Hyderabad?

We, at Project Smiles Dental are well-trained professionals in offering Oral Submucous Fibrosis treatment in Hyderabad. Our extensive experience of over 10 years and our humane and transparent care can help ensure that OSMF is diagnosed and treated as effectively and as quickly as possible.

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